New Age Solutions to Age Old Conditions

New Age Solutions to Age Old Conditions


Effective pain management in the 21st century


Since the dawn of time and life began there has been pain.


Even before science developed far enough to identify certain chronic conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis and sciatica, humans on every continent and in every culture had language that identified pain and practices that were believed to treat it.   


Back, neck, knee, the skeletal and nervous systems… All areas of the body where pain and discomfort has hindered humans for millennia.


Treatment methods have certainly developed throughout the generations, utilizing plants, herbs and extracts through to pharmaceuticals and surgery.  We now are at a new crossroads in medicine and medical science that is both daunting and exciting.


Even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, trends have been emerging where medicine has been moving towards a more patient-centric paradigm of care, where self-monitoring and self-administration of treatments are becoming more prevalent through the use of technology.


The power for individuals to have more control over and more informed decision making about their unique individual medical conditions has shifted.


Medical practitioners worldwide have rushed to further the reach of telehealth services due largely to social distancing and isolation requirements.  Prior to the COVID outbreak, society was already demanding safer and more affordable health care.


The explosion of wearable medical devices in recent years is one such development. Examples including activity monitors, patches, smart watches and even smart clothing have increasingly become commonplace among people with specific medical conditions and an overall interest in their health and wellbeing.


These devices can be separated into two distinct categories, diagnostic/monitoring and therapeutic. The former is more concerned with parameters such as heart rate and activity levels while the latter is concerned with treatment of specific conditions.


Pain relief is one such area where wearable medical therapeutic devices present an interesting case study as a nexus where older methods are being questioned and newer methods are being welcomed. Before COVID-19, a major focus on medical circles was the overuse of opioids in the treatment of chronic pain conditions. Dubbed the “Opioid Crisis”, a major shift in the thinking of medical practitioners and patients alike developed very quickly.   


Leading medical technology companies with an eye on the future were already heavily invested in developing drug-free, side-effect free pain management options, two of the key issues at the very core of the opioid crisis.


Oska Wellness is one such company. The years of research and development here gave rise to the Oska Pulse, a non-invasive, wearable option at the cutting edge of pain management in the 21st Century.


The Oska Pulse utilizes Pulsed Electromagnetic Field technology or PEMF as it is known among medical practitioners.  PEMF uses carefully controlled magnetic wave frequencies to treat the area causing pain.


Different parts of the body respond to different frequencies and when focused, certain frequencies can be used in harmony with your body to alleviate pain and assist in tissue regeneration.    


Imagine a pebble being thrown into a lake… Small waves radiate from the center until they disappear into the distance. 


Similarly, targeted electromagnetic waves at specific frequencies can travel to manage pain at its source.


This is the power behind the Oska Pulse. 


As Albert Einstein famously said many years ago:


"Future Medicine will be the Medicine of Frequencies"


With companies such as Oska Wellness leading from the front, that future is now.


To find out more about Oska Pulse, view our FAQ section here

To see purchasing plans and discount options see here



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