New Age Solutions to Age Old Conditions
Effective pain management in the 21st century Since the dawn of time and life began there has been...
Future Medicine will be the Medicine of Frequencies
Few people would argue that physicist Albert Einstein was a man ahead of his time. Highly regarded as one the...
Starting and Maintaining Physical Wellness in Isolation
Starting and Maintaining Physical Wellness in Isolation Being active has numerous benefits to both your physical and mental health. These...
How to Better Your Self-Care Practices
Practicing self-care consistently and successfully can be difficult. Schedules are busy and overwhelming and self-care routines can slip down your list of priorities. Practicing self-care is what helps you accomplish all of the other items on your list, so it’s important to keep it top of mind. To reduce stress, maintain a healthy weight and feel motivated, optimistic and positive, you need a self-care routine that’s easy to incorporate into your everyday life.Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Gifts For Your Loved One With Pain
Deciding on a thoughtful Valentine’s Day gift can be extremely hard, especially when your loved one is suffering from pain. The typical flowers and chocolate get old and are not particularly helpful for someone that is uncomfortable.
That’s why we’ve put together a list of thoughtful Valentine’s Day gifts for your loved one in pain that will be sure to put a smile on their face and give them some comfort.