Future Medicine will be the Medicine of Frequencies

Future Medicine will be the Medicine of Frequencies

Few people would argue that physicist Albert Einstein was a man ahead of his time. Highly regarded as one the greatest thinkers ever to walk the Earth, his work formed key cornerstones upon which scientists and inventors that came after him have built upon. His recognition as a key contributor to the foundation of modern physics has since made him a household name – even today, some 140 years after he was born.


But he was not always revered; as a young man with a brilliant mind he thought in exciting new directions.


And his sceptics were many within the global academic community.


A fascination with the very make-up of the universe - space, time, mass and energy - led to him publishing four key articles that changed the ways that the natural world around us was understood.


His achievements in forwarding theoretical physics could not be denied and his theories gradually became heavily influential in scientific circles. In later life, his recognition as a brilliant mind meant that when he spoke on issues such as war, politics and spirituality people took notice and listened.

He even had the ear of President Roosevelt as developments in Europe drew the US into the Second World War effort.


Over the years, Einstein has been attributed with many famous quotes – and misattributed to many more. 


A few of the more famous ones that give great insight into the Albert Einstein the man, not just Einstein the scientist include:  


“Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.”


“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”


“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”

One particular quote that really resonates with medical technologists is directly concerned with Einstein’s projections for the medical fields and his defining interest in the invisible waves that surround us:


"Future Medicine will be the Medicine of Frequencies"


Although Einstein died in 1955 aged 76 this quote is ringing through loudly in the years since his passing.


Radiation therapy, X-ray machines, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and PET and CT scans, and ultrasound have all become commonplace and all fundamentally harness the power of different types of waves and their specific frequencies that occur in nature.


While the science behind them is complex, the simple fact that they have all revolutionized many facets of medicinal diagnostics and treatments cannot be refuted.


Another key area, Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF) technology, is fast gaining a contemporary foothold in leading-edge medicine thanks in no small part to the revolutionary design of Oska Pulse.   


Electromagnetic fields are invisible waves of energy that, with precision frequencies, can target the four key tissue types to relieve pain at its source and speed the body's natural recovery at a cellular level.


Although the technology has over 60 years of clinical success, and it has been FDA approved for over 25 years, it’s mainstream use is relatively new. Before Oska Pulse, PEMF machines were large and bulky, often confined to clinical settings where the patient had to remain stationary while undergoing treatment. 

Now, with Oska Pulse, the power of this remarkable technology emanates from a device the size of your smartphone. Portable and rechargeable, and drug-free with no side-effects; Oska Pulse is a modern medical marvel.


We can only wonder what Albert Einstein would have to say if he lived long enough to see just how far the study and application of wave technology has come in the 21st century.


To find out more about Oska Pulse, view our FAQ section here

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