Your body parts, pain and PEMF – an interactive overview

Your body parts, pain and PEMF – an interactive overview
Click on each body part for an informative summary
When pain strikes it can restrict all aspects of your life – family, social, work, and recreation.
Without successful treatment, persistent pain can have detrimental effects on the state of mind and mental wellbeing.
It is important to look after and listen to your body by resting when necessary.
It is equally important to effectively treat pain of the muscles and joints wherever the source, whenever it strikes; not just mask it with pharmaceuticals and other more short-term fixes.
There are many different options available for managing pain and it is important to explore new methods that may ultimately work best for your condition(s), either stand alone or in conjunction with existing treatments.
An increasingly popular option for effective pain management is Pulsed Electromagnetic Field technology – or PEMF as it is known in medical circles. PEMF powers Oska Pulse, a portable, wearable device that targets the four key tissue types to relieve pain at its source and speed the body's natural recovery at a cellular level.
Drug-free with no side-effects Oska Pulse just may be the solution you have been searching for.
Be flexible in your approach to managing joint and muscle pain…
Given that there are 360 joints in the human body it pays to look after them well, especially as we age. Joints are extremely complex structures made up of different tissue types and they are highly vulnerable to a variety of different ailments.
When damage occurs at any one of these sites, either from injury or ongoing illness, a degree of discomfort or pain follows.
Common causes of joint pain include injury from sprains and strains or overuse during physical activity when trauma or damage to muscle, cartilage, tendons and ligaments, and even stress fractures of bone can occur.
While any joint can be affected, especially with degenerative disease, most commonly the major joints - knee, back, shoulder, elbow, wrist, knuckles and ankle – are the ones that cause most people the most pain.
Ongoing joint pain may be caused by various rheumatic conditions such as arthritis, osteoarthritis, lupus and gout.
…And strengthen your resolve to recovery
Depending on anatomical groupings, there are 640 to 850 muscles in the human body. With muscle tissue in every section of the body, pain can literally strike anywhere and most will experience it at some point in their lives, commonly in major muscles groups such as the calves, quadriceps, back, and biceps.
The pain felt by injured or damaged muscles can be caused by a number of reasons including strains and tears. Overuse through sustained or too often repeated physical exercise is another major cause of muscle pain.
These types of injuries usually last a relatively short duration and improve rapidly with rest.
When muscle pain is widespread throughout the body at multiple sites, it is usually indicative of either infection or a specific illness. Some examples include fibromyalgia, influenza, autoimmune diseases, thyroid conditions and chronic fatigue syndrome.
A new treatment at the fore of pain and discomfort of the jaw
Not many of us stop to think about it but the jaw is just another joint pair in the body. Technically called the temporomandibular joint it is one of the most complicated. The jawbone is the only double hinged bone in the body and, in fact, it is the most used joint – talking, breathing, eating – the jaw is pretty much always in motion.
Jaw pain is caused by a number of ailments. It can be felt in the joint itself or can radiate into other parts of the head including the teeth, ear and neck. Limited movement can be apparent, and sometimes popping or clicking can be felt and even heard.
Aside from dislocation and fractures, a range of specific medical conditions can also cause pain in the jaw including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, cartilage erosion or misalignment, jaw clenching, teeth grinding, as well as other specific concerns with the teeth and gums such as periodontitis and wisdom tooth impaction.
Jaw pain can make life unbearable. It is very hard to rest the jaw for effective time periods and without successful treatment, persistent pain can have detrimental effects on the state of mind and mental wellbeing.
It is important to effectively treat jaw pain at its source whenever it strikes, not just mask it with pharmaceuticals and other more short-term options.
A new knack for a pain in the neck
The area known as the neck is actually part of the structure that makes up the spine; a complex arrangement consisting of bone, joints, nerves, muscle, tendons and ligaments surrounding the spinal cord.
Like back pain, neck pain is one of the more common complaints people of all ages endure and in most cases, will subside after a few days
Neck pain often derives from muscles and ligaments, rather than any significant bone damage where major trauma or injury has not occurred, and can be caused from a range of lifestyle factors including poor posture or sleeping position, or from accidental trauma at work or during recreational activity. Pain can also be attributed to general wear and tear of the bones that make up the neck and is considered a normal part of aging.
Specific medical conditions that can also be the cause of neck pain include whiplash, meningitis, degenerative disc disease, cervical spinal stenosis, cervical spondylosis and herniated disc.
It is important to effectively treat neck pain at its source whenever it strikes, not just mask it with pharmaceuticals and other more short-term options.
Shouldering the burden of ongoing pain
The shoulder is one of the largest and most complex joints in the human body.
Its complexity allows for a near complete range of movement up and down and rotating in all planes.
Unfortunately these facts render it is less stable than many other joints in the body and leave it susceptible to a range of specific injuries and strains and the wear and tear that comes with aging.
It is these vulnerabilities that can cause differing severities of ongoing pain and discomfort.
Shoulder pain is not simply a condition in itself, but rather a generalized term relating to the symptoms of a range of structural problems and specific underlying medical conditions that include Bursitis, Tendinitis, Capsulitis Osteo Arthritis, Shoulder impingement syndrome and Rotator Cuff injury.
It is important to effectively treat shoulder pain at its source whenever it strikes, not just mask it with pharmaceuticals and other more short-term options.
Get to know your elbow – there’s nothing funny about ongoing pain
The elbow is the point where the three arm bones meet – the humerous (or funny bone), the ulna and the radius - with other tissue including cartilage, ligaments and tendons, and some 23 muscles including the biceps and triceps.
It is a highly complex hinge joint that allows movement and rotation of the forearm and wrists.
Throwing, lifting, swinging – and more common daily activities such as eating and driving are all facilitated by the elbow.
Because of its frequent use and complexity, it is also highly vulnerable to injury and ongoing conditions that cause pain.
Elbow pain is not simply a condition in itself, but rather a generalized term relating to the symptoms of a range of structural problems and specific underlying medical conditions that include bursitis, tendinitis, ulnar neuritis, chondral lesions, lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) and medial epicondylitis (golfer’s elbow), Due to its close proximity to important nerves and blood vessels, surgery can be problematic so it is important to look after your elbows by not over-exerting them and resting when necessary.
It is important to effectively treat elbow pain at its source whenever it strikes, not just mask it with pharmaceuticals and other more short-term options.
Effective pain management, all in the wrist
The wrist is the highly complex joint between the forearm and the metacarpal bones in the hand. Technically it consists of three distinct joints – Radiocarpal, Ulnocarpal, and the Distal radioulnar joints, and the 8 individual carpal bones.
Adding to its complexity and confusion, many do not realise that a typical wristwatch is actually worn above the wrist on the forearm, not on it!
Because of its frequent use, its complexity of motion, and extremity on the body when breaking falls, for example, it is also highly vulnerable to injury and ongoing conditions that cause pain.
Wrist pain is not simply a condition in itself, but rather a generalized term relating to the symptoms of a range of structural problems and specific underlying medical conditions that include Chondral Lesions, Tendinitis, Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, Repetitive Strain Injury/RSI, Rheumatoid arthritis and Osteoarthritis.
It is important to effectively treat wrist pain at its source whenever it strikes, not just mask it with pharmaceuticals and other more short-term options.
A new line drawn in the sands for relief of pain in the fingers and hands…
Most of us have experienced the displeasure of painful hands or fingers at one time or another.
And no wonder. They are the most exposed of our body extremities often with very little protection outside of occupational safety requirements. In fact about a quarter of all athletic injuries involve the hand and wrist.
In each hand we have 27 bones, 29 joints and at least 123 ligaments. The human hand is unique in that we are one of the few species that have opposable thumbs – which of course opens us up to more injury and types of pain.
Koalas are one other species that have opposable digits – just like Oskar the Koala – the brave little Koala from Australia who, after recovering from injuries sustained during a bushfire with the aid of PEMF technology, inspired the name of Oska Pulse!
A range of specific medical conditions can also cause pain in the hand and fingers including carpal tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome, DeQuervain's Syndrome, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, Dupuytren's Contracture, tendinopathy, mallet finger, trigger finger and general sprains, dislocations and bone fractures
It is important to effectively treat hand pain at its source whenever it strikes, not just mask it with pharmaceuticals and other more short-term options.
Back yourself to manage your own pain
The human back is a complex structure consisting of bone, joints, nerves, muscle, tendons and ligaments surrounding the spinal cord.
Back pain is one of the more common complaints people of all ages endure. It is something most people experience in their lives, but its likelihood does increase with age, and it effects women and men in equal numbers.
In itself back pain is not a disease. It is a symptom of a range of medical issues concerning one or more of the many parts of your back including Discogenic Disease, Osteoarthritis and Facet Joint Anthropathy.
Most people experience back pain for relatively short time periods, alleviating from 3-6 weeks with care. However, some people will develop ongoing pain that lasts for more than 3 months.
It is important to look after your back with healthy posture habits and lifting techniques, and rest when necessary.
It is equally important to effectively treat back pain at its source whenever it strikes, not just mask it with pharmaceuticals and other more short-term options.
Effective pain relief?
Hip, Hip, Hooray! The hip is actually a ball-and-socket joint where the femur meets the pelvis supported by ligaments, tendons, cartilage and 5 different muscles groups – Gluteals, Quadriceps, Iliopsoas, Hamstrings and the Groin.
The human hip joint carries nearly five times your body weight during simple everyday activities such as walking.
So for someone weighing 170 pounds, that equates to 850 pounds of pressure!
Given this fact, it is no wonder hip pain is such a common complaint.
Hip pain is not simply a condition in itself, but rather a generalized term relating to the symptoms of a range of structural problems and specific underlying medical conditions that include, Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and bone fracture.
Symptoms can include pain in the actual hip or referred pain in the leg, limping, reduced movement and stiffness.
It is important to effectively treat hip pain at its source whenever it strikes, not just mask it with pharmaceuticals and other more short-term options.
Know your knees, and treat them right
The human knee is the largest joint in the body. It bears a huge weight load as it facilitates movement and support.
This leaves it vulnerable. Knee pain can stem from any part of – or combination of – the complex joint structure which is made up of bones, ligaments, tendons and cartilage.
Knee pain is not simply a condition in itself, but rather a generalized term relating to the symptoms of a range of structural problems and specific underlying medical conditions that include Synovitis, Bursitis and Tendinitis as well as trauma and injury to the anterior and post-cruciate ligaments.
It is important to effectively treat knee pain at its source whenever it strikes, not just mask it with pharmaceuticals and other more short-term options.
Never ignore a rankle in your ankle…
You should never just try to “walk off” an ankle injury. You can do further significant damage. If simple rest and ice don’t improve the situation, seek a doctor’s opinion as it may be indicative of a more serious condition.
The ankle joint is where the foot and leg meet, consisting of three bones; the tibia, fibula and the talus. It actually includes three joints; the ‘true ankle’ or talocrural joint, the subtalar joint and the inferior tibiofibular joint. Together they allow flexion and extension of the foot and side-to-side for movement.
Because of its unique anatomical structure, the ankle is somewhat weak and unstable when compared to other joints in the body, and can even be described as ‘floppy’ or ‘wobbly’. When coupled with the fact that we spend so much of our daily time on our feet it is no real surprise that ankle injuries are the most common injury in America, and account for around 20% of all sports injuries.
Interestingly, women and their choice of high-heeled footwear are another major reported source of ankle injury!
Ankle pain is not simply a condition in itself, but rather a generalized term relating to the symptoms of a range of structural problems and specific underlying medical conditions that apart from the common sprain can include Achilles tendinitis, Bursitis, Osteoarthritis, Chondral Lesions, Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteochondritis dissecans and Gout.
It is important to effectively treat ankle pain at its source whenever it strikes, not just mask it with pharmaceuticals and other more short-term options.
Oska Pulse works a treat…for aches and pains that trouble your feet
Most of us have experienced the displeasure of painful feet or toes at one time or another.
And no wonder - on average, Americans take 8-10,000 steps each and every day.
That’s 115,000 miles in a lifetime – or over times around the world!
In each foot we have 26 bones - almost a quarter of the total bones in the human body – and 33 joints, 19 muscles, 10 tendons and 107 ligaments.
Injury and overuse causing inflammation to any of these individual or groups of parts can cause pain. Specific conditions and nerve trauma can also be a causal factor. Women are statistically more likely to suffer from foot pain, likely due to overusing high-heeled footwear.
And often, foot health has a strong link with overall health and wellbeing, with conditions including arthritis, diabetes and cardiovascular disease often appearing in the feet before other parts of the body.
Other medical conditions that can cause pain in the feet include plantar fasciitis, heel spurs metatarsalgia and stone bruise, Morton's neuroma, sesamoiditis, gout, arthritis, and general sprains and bone fractures
It is important to effectively treat foot pain at its source whenever it strikes, not just mask it with pharmaceuticals and other more short-term options.
To find out how Oska Pulse may help, view our FAQ section here
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