

What Exactly Is PEMF Therapy and How Does It Help Alleviate Pain?

You may have heard about PEMF therapy from your doctor, or maybe you’ve read about it in the news. If...

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The Link Between Gluten Intolerance and Joint Pain

Joint pain is undeniably frustrating. It impairs your range of motion and makes it more difficult to enjoy physical activity. Even sitting still with aching joints is uncomfortable. What’s even worse is not knowing what’s causing your pain and how to make it go away. If you’re experiencing stubborn  joint pain, it could be caused by gluten intolerance.
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The Health Benefits of Physical Activity

Physical activity isn't just a euphemism for exercise. You don’t need to run a mile, climb a mountain, or even set foot in a gym to enjoy the many health benefits of physical activity, including increased productivity and a lower risk of certain health conditions.
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The Doctors Behind the Randomized Double Blind Study

“I don’t think there was much surprise, just extremely pleased to have the positive results,” said Dr. Mark Wiederhold, a renowned pain management expert.  “To have this type of trial, it’s all pretty remarkable.”

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Treating Chronic Pain Using the Oska Pulse Device: A double-blind clinical trial with placebo

Recently declared a nationwide public health emergency, the misuse and abuse of opioids in the United States takes the lives of more than 90 Americans every day.1 The most recent report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recounted more than 65,000 deaths from drug overdose over a 12-month period—a record high.2 More alarming, however, is that drug overdose deaths have increased every year since 1999, mirroring a similar trend in increased opioid sales.3, 4 In fact, both the amount of prescription opioids sold and overdose deaths involving opioids have more than quadrupled since 1999.4 As one of the most commonly prescribed medications to the 100 million patients experiencing chronic pain in the United States annually, opioids are integral to many pain management practices.5
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