New Year, New You: How To Start The Year With A Plan For Pain Relief

New Year, New You: How To Start The Year With A Plan For Pain Relief

Happy New Year pain community! It’s the start of a new year and a brand-new decade, so if you’ve continued to struggle with pain, we think now is the perfect time to revisit your pain management toolkit and reevaluate how to handle. It’s a new year, so it’s time for a new pain free you, too.

  • Consider a multimodal approach to your pain. A multimodal pain management plan incorporates a variety of different types of tools including prescription, over-the-counter and topical medications, as well as nonpharmacologic therapies like meditation, exercise, massage and more. The best part of multimodal pain plan is that it’s personalized for you, because what works for you is unique to your own condition, lifestyle and body. If you’re not currently using a multimodal pain plan, now might be a good time to explore a new path to pain relief.
  • Give new therapies a chance. Explore new technologies and therapies that are known to relieve pain. For example, Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy has been used for decades to manage pain and its success is backed by thousands of clinical studies. Try PEMF at your doctors’ office or order a small, portable and wearable PEMF device like our Oska Pulse device for consistent, daily use at home or on-the-go.

Of course, before making any changes to how you manage your pain, it is best to consult a doctor that you trust for their expertise, assistance and guidance. Often, changes in pain treatment require careful transition and some medications should not be adjusted without consult. Monitor any changes to your plan carefully.


Our goal has always been to help people live more active lives with less pain, so our hope is that these recommendations can serve as a guide to help you explore new ways to manage your pain. If you’d like to learn more about Oska Pulse or find more pain management lifestyle tips, please visit

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